460 research outputs found

    Procedural aging techniques of synthetic cities and 3D scenarios

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    Today we live in an increasingly computerized and demanding world. A world where is constantly presented the need for, the industry of video games and movies, to find ways to create more realistic graphics environments, faster and longer with a huge level of variety. To address this need, the techniques for procedural generation appeared. These techniques were used by the computer graphics industry to create textures to simulate special effects and generate complex natural models, including mostly vegetation. Within these first techniques we can find a wide range of techniques. Subsequently, with the needs to create increasingly more complex and realistic environments, emerged the solution to adapt these algorithms, already known, to something more complex such as the generation of a road infrastructure, the generation of buildings or allowed to practically generate a world only with procedural generation and a set of rules. Although this development is increasingly felt, we noticed there is an interest in a new area, which is the procedural aging of buildings in these graphical worlds. Several authors had proposed to create new and better algorithms of procedural aging in building. These authors when approaching this subject, tend to follow a very unique and specific way, creating an algorithm capable of playing a unique phenomenon of aging. Thus, identified this gap in the literature, it was decided to seize this opportunity and present and develop a procedural aging algorithm applied to buildings that is capable of reproduce different aging phenomena, and that consumes low computational resources being capable of be applied to a huge 3D scenario.Hoje em dia vivemos num mundo cada vez mais computorizado e exigente. Um mundo onde cada vez mais está presente a necessidade de a industria dos jogos de vídeo e dos filmes arranjar maneiras de criar ambientes gráficos mais realistas, mais rapidamente e já com um nível de variedade grande. Para colmatar esta necessidade surgiu então as técnicas de geração procedural. Estas técnicas aliaram-se á industria de computação gráfica para criar texturas naturais, simular efeitos especiais e gerar modelos naturais complexos, incluindo maioritariamente vegetação. Dentro destas primeiras técnicas podemos encontrar as fractais, L-system e Perlin Noise, entre outros. Posteriormente, com a necessidades de criar cada vez mais ambientes mais complexos, surgiu a solução de adaptar estes algoritmos já conhecidos para algo mais complexo, como a geração de uma estrutura rodoviária, ou como a geração de edifícios podendo assim praticamente gerar um mundo inteiro somente com a geração procedural e um conjunto de regras. Apesar de esta evolução ser cada vez mais sentida, notou-se um crescente interesse num tema em partcular, sendo essa, o envelhecimento procedural dos edifícios nestes mundos gráficos. Vários autores até então tinham-se proposto a criar novos e cada vez melhores algoritmos de envelhecimento procedural dos edifícios. Estes autores ao abordar este tema, tendem em seguir um caminho muito singular e especifico, criando um algoritmo capaz de reproduzir um unico fenomeno de envelhecimento. Assim, identificada esta lacuna na literatura, decidiu-se agarrar esta oportunidade e apresentar e desenvolver um algoritmo de envelhecimento procedural aplicado aos edifícios que é capaz de reproduzir diferentes fenomenos de envelhecimento, e que consome poucos recursos computacionais sendo capaz de ser aplicado a um grande cenário 3D

    Anxiety and depression symptoms after pulmonary rehabilitation in people with interstitial lung disease: responders and non-responders

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    Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is an effective intervention for people with interstitial lung disease (ILD), as it improvesexercise capacity, quality of life and dyspnoea. Less is, however, known about other important and frequentsymptoms, such as anxiety and depression. This study explored the response of anxiety and depression symptomsto PR in people with ILD. Participants undertook a 12-week community-based PR programme. Anxiety and depression symptoms wereevaluated before and after PR with the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). The sample was stratified into2 groups according to the HADS score: ≥8 probable anxiety (PA) or depression (PD) and score <8 normal symptoms(NS). Responders were classified using the HADS minimal clinical important difference (≥1.5 points). 46 people with ILD (62±13 years; 63%♀; 75±20 FVC%; 56±18 DLCO%) participated. Number of responders inanxiety symptoms (73% PA; HADS-A pre: 12±3; mean change: 4±2; p<0.001 vs 25% NS; HADS-A pre: 6±2; meanchange: 2±0; p<0.001) was much higher than in depression symptoms (27% PD; HADS-D pre: 11±3; mean change:3±1; p=0.014 vs 13% NS; HADS-D pre: 5±2; mean change: 2±1; p=0.003). PR seems to improve anxiety symptoms, but it might not be as effective for depression symptoms in people with ILD.Future studies are needed to investigate the role of PR in the psychological health of people with ILD.publishe

    Diversidade de frutos e sementes em fitofisionomias de Cerrado e suas implicações para a conservação na Serra Dourada, Goiás, Brasil

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    This study investigated carpological types and dispersal syndromes of species across distinct phytophysionomies of Cerrado within Serra Dourada, Mossâmedes, Goiás state, Brazil. The survey was conducted along two transects with an altitudinal gradient, comprising five phytophysionomies and sampling 66 species. In the natural grasslands, the fruits were dry and light, facilitating autochory and anemochory dispersal syndromes. In the forests, caryopses, nuculania and legumes emerged as the predominant fruit types, with a prevalence of autochory and zoochory dispersal syndromes. Understanding the distribution pattern of fruit and seed types across the phytophysiognomies in Serra Dourada can optimise seed harvesting and contribute to the restoration of degraded areas.Neste estudo, foram investigados os tipos carpológicos e as síndromes de dispersão de espécies em diferentes fitofisionomias de Cerrado na Serra Dourada, Mossâmedes, Goiás, Brasil. O levantamento foi realizado ao longo de dois transectos com gradiente de altitude, abrangendo cinco fitofisionomias e amostrando 66 espécies. Nas fitofisionomias campestres, os frutos foram predominantemente secos e leves, associados às síndromes de dispersão autocórica e anemocórica. Nas fitofisionomias florestais, os tipos de frutos mais comuns foram cariopses, nuculânios e legumes, com predominância de espécies com síndromes de dispersão autocórica e zoocórica. A compreensão do padrão de distribuição dos tipos de frutos e sementes nas fitofisionomias da Serra Dourada poderá maximizar a colheita de sementes e contribuir para a restauração de áreas degradadas


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    A produ&ccedil;&atilde;o de alimentos e gr&atilde;os para energia vem levantando uma grande discuss&atilde;o sobre a sustentabilidade da humanidade, por isso produzir com qualidade e sem desperd&iacute;cios se tornou uma necessidade. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a influencia da&nbsp; aplica&ccedil;&atilde;o de diferentes doses de Pot&aacute;ssio na cultura da linha&ccedil;a (Linum Usitatissimum L.) O trabalho foi conduzido na &aacute;rea experimental pertencente &agrave; Universidade Estadual&nbsp; do&nbsp; Oeste&nbsp; do&nbsp; Paran&aacute; &ndash; UNIOESTE, na&nbsp; cidade&nbsp; de Cascavel &ndash;&nbsp; Paran&aacute; &ndash;&nbsp; Brasil.&nbsp; O&nbsp; estudo&nbsp; constituiu-se&nbsp; no cultivo&nbsp; da&nbsp; Linha&ccedil;a&nbsp; em&nbsp; uma&nbsp; malha&nbsp; experimental&nbsp; sob&nbsp; seis diferentes&nbsp; aplica&ccedil;&otilde;es&nbsp; de&nbsp; K&nbsp; (00,&nbsp; 40,&nbsp; 80,&nbsp; 120,&nbsp; 160&nbsp; e&nbsp; 200 kg/ha), usando o delineamento experimental fatorial com 6x2 com 12 tratamentos. O comportamento vegetativo foi avaliado atrav&eacute;s das vari&aacute;veis fenom&eacute;trica altura de planta, n&uacute;mero de hastes e c&aacute;psulas por planta, massa fresca e seca das c&aacute;psulas e massa fresca e seca da planta. Os resultados permitem afirmar que a resposta aos tratamentos de pot&aacute;ssio foi significativa apresentando o tratamento de 160 kg por hectare o melhor resultado referente a produ&ccedil;&atilde;o e altura de planta. Ainda que a cultivar dourada apresenta maior produ&ccedil;&atilde;o e altura de planta em compara&ccedil;&atilde;o com a cultivar marrom


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever complicações associadas a um caso de hérnia inguino-escrotal em garanhão. À admissão, o animal apresentava dor abdominal moderada, desidratação severa e sinais de sepse. Indicou-se laparotomia exploratória, quando a hérnia inguino-escrotal (alça de íleo) foi corrigida, entretanto houve necessidade de ressecção de uma porção de jejuno devido à intensa tração do mesentério causando desvitalização tecidual. No período pós-operatório observou-se íleo adinâmico por vários dias que foi compensado por meio da administração de fluidos e fármacos. Apesar das complicações, o equino recuperou-se e recebeu alta 15 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico

    PLK4 trans-Autoactivation Controls Centriole Biogenesis in Space

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    The deposited article is a post-print version and has been submitted to peer review.This publication hasn't any creative commons license associated.The deposited article version contains attached the supplementary materials within the pdf.Centrioles are essential for cilia and centrosome assembly. In centriole-containing cells, centrioles always form juxtaposed to pre-existing ones, motivating a century-old debate on centriole biogenesis control. Here, we show that trans-autoactivation of Polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4), the trigger of centriole biogenesis, is a critical event in the spatial control of that process. We demonstrate that centrioles promote PLK4 activation through its recruitment and local accumulation. Though centriole removal reduces the proportion of active PLK4, this is rescued by concentrating PLK4 to the peroxisome lumen. Moreover, while mild overexpression of PLK4 only triggers centriole amplification at the existing centriole, higher PLK4 levels trigger both centriolar and cytoplasmatic (de novo) biogenesis. Hence, centrioles promote their assembly locally and disfavor de novo synthesis. Similar mechanisms enforcing the local concentration and/or activity of other centriole components are likely to contribute to the spatial control of centriole biogenesis under physiological conditions.Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e Tecnologia grants: (SFRH/BPD/87479/2012, PTDC/BBB-BEP/1724/2012, HMSP-CT/SAU-ICT/0075/2009, PTDC/SAU-OBD/105616/2008, EXPL/BIM-ONC/0830/2013, PTDC/BBB-BEP/1724/2012); EMBO installation grant; ERC starting grant: (PFE-GI-UE-ERC-2010-StG-261344).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Telemedicine-Based Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy:Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Oral anticoagulation is the cornerstone treatment of several diseases. Its management is often challenging, and different telemedicine strategies have been implemented to support it. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to systematically review the evidence on the impact of telemedicine-based oral anticoagulation management compared to usual care on thromboembolic and bleeding events. METHODS: Randomized controlled trials were searched in 5 databases from inception to September 2021. Two independent reviewers performed study selection and data extraction. Total thromboembolic events, major bleeding, mortality, and time in therapeutic range were assessed. Results were pooled using random effect models. RESULTS: In total, 25 randomized controlled trials were included (n=25,746 patients) and classified as moderate to high risk of bias by the Cochrane tool. Telemedicine resulted in lower rates of thromboembolic events, though not statistically significant (n=13 studies, relative risk [RR] 0.75, 95% CI 0.53-1.07; I2=42%), comparable rates of major bleeding (n=11 studies, RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.82-1.07; I2=0%) and mortality (n=12 studies, RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.78-1.20; I2=11%), and an improved time in therapeutic range (n=16 studies, mean difference 3.38, 95% CI 1.12-5.65; I2=90%). In the subgroup of the multitasking intervention, telemedicine resulted in an important reduction of thromboembolic events (RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.08-0.48). CONCLUSIONS: Telemedicine-based oral anticoagulation management resulted in similar rates of major bleeding and mortality, a trend for fewer thromboembolic events, and better anticoagulation quality compared to standard care. Given the potential benefits of telemedicine-based care, such as greater access to remote populations or people with ambulatory restrictions, these findings may encourage further implementation of eHealth strategies for anticoagulation management, particularly as part of multifaceted interventions for integrated care of chronic diseases. Meanwhile, researchers should develop higher-quality evidence focusing on hard clinical outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and quality of life. TRIAL REGISTRATION: PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42020159208; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=159208.</p

    Regulation of Autophosphorylation Controls PLK4 Self-Destruction and Centriole Number

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    The deposited article is a post-print version and has been submitted to peer review.This publication hasn't any creative commons license associated.This deposit is composed by the main article plus the supplementary materials of the publication.Polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4) is a major player in centriole biogenesis: in its absence centrioles fail to form, while in excess leads to centriole amplification. The SCF-Slimb/βTrCP-E3 ubiquitin ligase controls PLK4 levels through recognition of a conserved phosphodegron. SCF-Slimb/βTrCP substrate binding and targeting for degradation is normally regulated by phosphorylation cascades, controlling complex processes, such as circadian clocks and morphogenesis. Here, we show that PLK4 is a suicide kinase, autophosphorylating in residues that are critical for SCF-Slimb/βTrCP binding. We demonstrate a multisite trans-autophosphorylation mechanism, likely to ensure that both a threshold of PLK4 concentration is attained and a sequence of events is observed before PLK4 can autodestruct. First, we show that PLK4 trans-autophosphorylates other PLK4 molecules on both Ser293 and Thr297 within the degron and that these residues contribute differently for PLK4 degradation, the first being critical and the second maximizing auto-destruction. Second, PLK4 trans-autophosphorylates a phospho-cluster outside the degron, which regulates Thr297 phosphorylation, PLK4 degradation, and centriole number. Finally, we show the importance of PLK4-Slimb/βTrCP regulation as it operates in both soma and germline. As βTrCP, PLK4, and centriole number are deregulated in several cancers, our work provides novel links between centriole number control and tumorigenesis.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia grants: (SFRH/BD/33213/2007, PTDC/SAU-OBD/73194/2006, PTDC/SAU-OBD/105616/2008); ERC grant:(ERC-2010-StG grant number 261344); EMBO installation grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prognóstico para a assistência integral de pacientes Testemunhas de Jeová: direito à vida ou respeito à liberdade religiosa?

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    Jehovah's Witnesses - the fastest growing religious group in the Western Hemisphere - present a great impasse in relation to the non-acceptance of blood transfusion for certain health treatments, in which, in Brazil, this dilemma often generates a mismatch between health professionals health in relation to the ethical impasse, as the religious freedom and autonomy of these believers guarantee the refusal of these procedures. Therefore, the study aims to guide health professionals about this religious conflict and which legal provisions are used to prevent and resolve this issue. In this sense, it should be noted that this scientific work is an integrative literature review. Thus, the study used a qualitative methodology, of a descriptive and exploratory nature. As a result, therapeutic alternatives were presented for the treatment of these patients and means that protect health professionals. Finally, these measures aim to give greater dignity to these patients, guaranteeing their religious freedom, reducing ethical conflicts and seeking the best treatment for these people.As Testemunhas de Jeová - grupo religioso que mais cresce no hemisfério ocidental - apresentam um grande impasse em relação à não aceitação da transfusão sanguínea para determinados tratamentos de saúde, em que, no Brasil, esse dilema, muitas vezes, gera um descompasso entre profissionais da saúde em relação ao impasse ético, pois a liberdade religiosa e a autonomia desses fiéis garantem a recusa desses procedimentos. Diante disso, o estudo tem como objetivo orientar os profissionais da área da saúde sobre esse conflito religioso e quais os dispositivos legais são usados para impedir e resolver essa questão. Nesse sentido, convém ressaltar que esta obra científica trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura. Desse modo, o estudo utilizou-se de metodologia qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória. Como resultado foram apresentadas alternativas terapêuticas para o tratamento desses pacientes e meios que resguardam profissionais da saúde. Por fim, essas medidas têm como escopo dar uma maior dignidade a esses pacientes, garantindo sua liberdade religiosa, reduzindo conflitos éticos e buscando o melhor tratamento para essas pessoas

    Regulation of Autophosphorylation Controls PLK4 Self-Destruction and Centriole Number

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    The deposited article is a post-print version and has been submitted to peer review.This publication hasn't any creative commons license associated.This deposit is composed by the main article plus the supplementary materials of the publication.Polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4) is a major player in centriole biogenesis: in its absence centrioles fail to form, while in excess leads to centriole amplification. The SCF-Slimb/βTrCP-E3 ubiquitin ligase controls PLK4 levels through recognition of a conserved phosphodegron. SCF-Slimb/βTrCP substrate binding and targeting for degradation is normally regulated by phosphorylation cascades, controlling complex processes, such as circadian clocks and morphogenesis. Here, we show that PLK4 is a suicide kinase, autophosphorylating in residues that are critical for SCF-Slimb/βTrCP binding. We demonstrate a multisite trans-autophosphorylation mechanism, likely to ensure that both a threshold of PLK4 concentration is attained and a sequence of events is observed before PLK4 can autodestruct. First, we show that PLK4 trans-autophosphorylates other PLK4 molecules on both Ser293 and Thr297 within the degron and that these residues contribute differently for PLK4 degradation, the first being critical and the second maximizing auto-destruction. Second, PLK4 trans-autophosphorylates a phospho-cluster outside the degron, which regulates Thr297 phosphorylation, PLK4 degradation, and centriole number. Finally, we show the importance of PLK4-Slimb/βTrCP regulation as it operates in both soma and germline. As βTrCP, PLK4, and centriole number are deregulated in several cancers, our work provides novel links between centriole number control and tumorigenesis.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia grants: (SFRH/BD/33213/2007, PTDC/SAU-OBD/73194/2006, PTDC/SAU-OBD/105616/2008); ERC grant:(ERC-2010-StG grant number 261344); EMBO installation grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio